As businesses grow, it can be challenging to stay focused on the original vision. In an industry filled with opportunities, it’s easy to get distracted by new possibilities. A few years ago, FBN built an entire filler—a remarkable machine that ran reliably throughout its warranty period. While this was an impressive achievement and a path we may revisit in the future, our core business remains clear: manufacturing superior replacement parts for fillers and cappers.
Our philosophy has never wavered: to be chosen over OEMs for replacement parts, we can’t settle for being “just as good.” Every part we make must exceed expectations—in quality, durability, and performance.
This commitment has not gone unnoticed. In recent years, we’ve earned the trust of some OEMs and formed key partnerships, including collaborations with Horix, USB, and others. These companies rely on us to manufacture valves and other critical components—not simply because we have a machine shop, but because of our unmatched attention to detail and precision engineering.